Visual Vicissitudes at 079 Stories, Ahemdabad

Saturday, October 7, 2023 - Sunday, November 11, 2023

Art, though accessible and visually unchangeable for all, is an incredibly personal interpretation. The ways of seeing are influenced by our own perception, deeply linked to experience and subsequent paradigms built. The very act of living requires us to be shaped by the fluctuations of life and these vicissitudes directly guide our instincts.

Abstraction in Art is one of the most telling examples of this subjectivity. In this exhibition, we bring together a group of abstract artists presenting work that is less about the intent of the creator and more about the engagement of the viewer, creating a multitude of outcomes. Like the mind, the art too presents you with different angles and moods. The question isn’t ‘What is to be seen?’, but rather, ‘Do you see what I see?’ and if the answer is no, then why not? The hope is that this can prove to be a potent trigger for individual understanding and transformation. The conversation around the mind being an invaluable source of imaginative power is an important one. The discourse that arises from such distinct experiences of art can lead to deeper interconnectedness and empathy.

If we do not see like the other person, can we then make it a point to explore the ways of seeing, the art on the wall and ultimately all of life together?

Sanjana Shah